Thursday, August 9, 2012

Olympic trials…

To make it to any olympic event, you have to go through an incredibly challenging process to get to the level of even trying out for it. 

The trial starts with heart, practice and an almost flawless execution, that very few are able to perform. 

The life we live has an olympic trial often…

It must be trial week - look at my post about gratefulness...

How do we handle the olympic (enormous) trials we have in our lives?

We have heart.

We don’t give up because a bump in the road has come up, or a hedge, or a wall, or any obstacle. We keep going. If an athlete gave up because of a blister, or a strained muscle, or a major injury, they would never make the Olympics at all. Can you imagine them giving up because of their trial? We wouldn't have anyone in the Olympics! I would dare say that every athlete has been injured, and most of them, many times. 

They hurt, but press on!

Keep your heart in it, no matter how hard the trial is in your life.

We practice.

We practice trials? Not exactly, but we do prepare for them. Having a family budget, and an emergency fund, is a way to prepare for a financial trial. Having a daily routine of prayer and Bible reading is a way to prepare for a trial of temptation. Having a church home you are involved in, helps you be involved in serving others, thus your trial isn’t as big a focus. Counting others first, always helps you look at the small size of your trial.

We preform flawlessly.

It’s rare you see a perfect performance in the Olympics. No fall, no bad landing, no splash, no crash, no trip, no slip, no flaws at all, but when you see one, it’s amazing to watch. It’s incredible to see someone have the heart and put in the practice to get job done well and have success in their event.

We have to be flawless too.

We have to do right. We have to be righteous. We have to make sure we are not living wrong, choosing wrong, fooling ourselves or fooling others. 

Not us, but the Lord in us. You see, we can’t be without flaws, or sin, but God gives us the righteousness we need.

Lessons Learned: Trials come, but you can prepare.

Thoughts: Are you ready?


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