Wednesday, January 15, 2014

3 more lessons from Lego…

Lego is more than just a store experience, like I wrote about here. It’s a lifestyle impactor. 

I know that sounds a bit odd, but look at some things that I have learned from these little blocks…

1. You can’t just throw the blocks and hope that they come together to from something awesome.

It takes planning and organizing and finding the right pieces to make something cool, awesome or amazing. Too many time we just sit and hope for the best to work out, or we worry about the future working out, but then don’t do anything to make it happen. We all need to be a little more strategic in our days. We all need to pick the right blocks, so our day can have a good foundations and we can build something that’s beyond accidental. Throwing the blocks on the floor, just makes your feet hurt.

2. It takes one block at a time to build things.

So, I see people trying to do many things at once (multi-tasking), and I do it too, but there’s real value to taking one task and completing it, or starting with one block and building from it. It also gives you motivation to know you’ve completed something when one section of your masterpieces is done. If you're starting a business and you try do build the website, market your company, find customers, develop plans, use social media, make sure the bills are paid…on and on it goes, but maybe you should pick one thing at a time and build from there. Call me crazy, but I see some value.

3. Sometimes you have to take things apart and try again.

The hardest part is when you've finished the building and you realize that you missed a piece, or it doesn't look right, or your plan didn't come together, or it’s just ugly. This happens. So what do you do? You get a fresh start. You take apart what you need to and you rebuild. Take that website and revamp it. Take your business plan have someone review it with you. Take that relationship and talk through the issues and problems. Take the hard route and start again. It’s not fun, but nothing awesome every came out first try, so just try again. Oh, and this one may include asking for help and asking for forgiveness as you rebuild.

Lego is pretty cool, and it can give you many simple lessons lessons.

Lessons Learned: Let’s all build something - just like Lego.

Thoughts: What are you building right now? Rebuilding?

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