Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ouch - 3 lessons from a bee sting...

I got stung again…
I know, stop complaining about a little bee sting, it’s no big deal. I get it, but if you read my blog, you know that I seem to learn crazy lessons from just about every little thing that happens to me, including a bee sting.
In the last 4 months, I have now been stung twice, and I don’t remember getting stung since I was a kid, and I was likely tougher then...
If you read my first post about my bee sting on the head, you know that I learned a few important things.
In this case I learned some more…
My sting was on the side of my leg, just above the knee. I was riding my lawn mower and it came from nowhere, on a mission, with the intent to kill! It didn’t just sneak over and hit me with its stinger, it was at warp speed, from two light years away. It just about knocked me off the mower and then looked up and smiled at me as it kept pushing deeper into my leg. 
I’m pretty sure I heard a little bee chuckle, although little doesn’t describe the enormity of this black and yellow striped homicide bomber. It was at least 8 inches long, with a 3 inch stinger, that just about tore my ACL as it stung me. This thing had to be the Enorma-bee that the news talks about, after they are africanized. 
The good news is, that I wiped the grin off its face as I smacked it and sent it under my mower blades (unfortunately, I may have broken a bone in my hand in the swipe, and I bent a mower blade on the Enorma-bee). The hand will heal, but the sting hurt.
Okay, obviously, I exaggerated a little - the bee was only 4 inches long ;)
It’s fun to tell a story about something like a bee sting, but I learned that the red marks still occur, and lessons are learned.
Here’s what I learned…
Bees attack unexpectedly…
Life, like a bee, stings us when we don’t expect it. It may be that the devil tries to attack when we are weak, and sometimes, the Lord allows hard times, so we are drawn to Him. If we expected the attack, we would be prepared, so I guess…
  • We should expect attacks, because they come.
  • We should prepare for attacks, every day.
  • We should be on the lookout for bees (attacks).
Bees red marks go away…
The pain, from this sting went all though my leg. It felt like someone had punched me 73 times, in the leg, giving me a charlie horse. It hurt for a couple of days, but it subsided. The pain goes away, and the red mark dissipates, so I guess…
  • Stop worrying about the problem you have now.
  • Realize that you’ll have a new problem latter.
  • All problems eventually go away, some way.
Bees are not nice…
Bees may be nice to each other, and greet each other, with kind church-like handshakes and hugs, but they are not nice to humans, and give up their lives to get us out of their way, so I guess…
  • We better stay away from bees, just like the devil. Say this recently, and I liked it - “Stay so close to the Lord, that the devil doesn’t have any room to squeeze in.”
  • Treat bees with respect - they can hurt you, just like the devil.
  • Do not become a bee keeper, you will get stung.
Lessons Learned: I will be wearing a bee suit, on my next mowing adventure. I will be ready for the attacks that come, in life.
Thoughts: What do you do to prepare for attacks?

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