Sunday, September 16, 2012


My oldest teenage son wrote this on the back of my car, as a “helpful reminder” for me to wash my car. I think he enjoyed embarrassing me and adding a little humor too.

The problem is that I couldn't wash my car for a week and I forgot that it was on there all week...thanks a lot, son.

He didn’t mean any harm - just a bit of fun and it wasn’t a big deal, but it gave me some thoughts…

Is there something in my life that I need to clean up?

When I look at the wash sign this way, it’s a good reminder to get rid of the junk in my life. It’s easy to let it build up. Just like my car, a small layer of grime is constantly building up and then eventually covering everything. It’s easy to not notice it, as it gets dirtier and goes from white to black in no time.

I can’t let the negatives and sin build up in my life.

Do we let sin sit around for awhile until we clean it up?

I let the wash sign sit there for a week, without cleaning it off. I shouldn't have left it there. I should have cleaned it up, when I noticed it. Too often, in our lives, we let things sit that should have been cleaned up a long time ago.

Lessons Learned: I need to ‘wash’ regularly and keep a short sin list.

Thoughts: When someone tells you there’s an issue, that you need to correct, do you correct it?


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