Monday, January 9, 2012

Ya give up?

It’s been about a week now. Do you give up? Did you give up? 
I mean, on your New Year’s resolutions, or goals, or plans. Have you stopped your diet? Have you not even cracked the page of one book? Have you completely forgotten about your Bible reading plan? Have you stopped working towards that new endeavor to create something? Have you tuckered out on P90X? Did you add 3 pounds instead of lose them? Did you stop writing that book? Did you throw your hands in the air because your goal was loftier than you thought or something huge got in the way? Do you feel like the Israelite army as they faced Goliath, before David came along?
Don’t do it! Don’t give up! You can still accomplish the goals you hoped to and goals don’t just have to start on January 1st (remember my blog “A fresh start...really?”). Goals can start on any day and in any month, so if you didn’t get the start you hoped to, just hit the restart button (especially if you use Windows - sorry to offend, but I couldn’t resist - too easy a metaphor). 
You can do it! Like the little train engine, just keep saying “I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!” 
Get the ball rolling with something small and then simply add little bits to it, like a snowball rolling down a hill, so you can get the final goal accomplished. Set smaller short-term targets that are attainable and when you hit them, just set a new target. Don’t set 52 goals for the year, set just a few and finish them. You will be motivated to keep going and to go farther, as you succeed. 
Have someone help you. Get someone that can work with you on the same or similar goals. Tell them to keep you accountable and tell them how you want to be kept accountable, so they will do it. If they fail, in their goals, or fall behind, then you help them. Teamwork makes the dream work (don’t hate me for using that, because it’s true).   Maybe you can pick someone who failed (remember, failure is good) in the first week, just like you.
Keep on! Look at your target and keep on going towards it! 
If I can help, just let me know.
Lessons Learned: We all struggle with goals and we all fail. Read the top of my blog page and do what Samuel Beckett and I said.
Thoughts: What goal are you struggling with right now?


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