Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I was driving home and had a ton of things on my mind. I made 3-4 business calls on the drive home and had a very busy, but good day. I really enjoy my job and the people I work with, but I’m very, very, very busy, which requires me to be extremely focused - I love that.

Here’s the point…

When I was on that drive home, I looked up.

I noticed the sky was beautiful and the sun was bright.

I was reminded that the no matter how busy we are, we should take a moment to just admire the day and sit back for a moment. 

The days of life are very busy and filled with things to do, but once in a while, we need to take a moment to just be still and forget about all the details that are rolling through your mind, and just breath.

Lessons Learned: I hope you see he sun today and breath.

Thoughts: Are you looking at the sun?


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1 comment:

  1. Amen! Be still and know He is Holy. He made all this! It blows me away when I stop and think about it.


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