Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be the Dad...

After my discussion of how a Dad showed his love for his daughter yesterday, I had another thought…be the Dad. 
A Dad is not just a father, but any person who comes along side to help someone else in today’s thought...
Not only does God show His love and comfort to us to an even better degree than the father in yesterday’s story, but we should be doing the same for others around us.
What do I mean?
When you see a teen in the church that is struggling with self esteem, do you take time for them? Do you encourage them in the faith or help them to understand that they are special to the Lord and you? You may be their “Dad” for that minute or two or week or lifetime. You may be the one that influences them in the right direction and helps them to see their value. They have so much pressure on them these days. Many teens struggle without enough leadership and you could be the “Dad” that makes a difference.
When you see an elderly person that doesn’t have many folks to help them, do you take a moment to make them smile? Do you offer to help them with a need? You could be the one that steps in and helps fill a void that their own family could not fill or is not filling. You could be the “Dad” that influences that elderly person like no other.
The list goes on and on for us to be a “Dad” to folks that need to be picked up from some challenging time in life. We all need encouragement and we all need to give encouragement to others too.
Lesson Learned: We need to focus more on other’s that have needs.
Thoughts: Are you being a good “Dad?”


  1. Another inciteful post, Craig.  Keep them coming!

  2. Stan - Thnaka for the kind words! You just encouraged me!


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