Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do my dreams count?

I didn't start my blog for a very long time. I have never written a book, yet. 

There are times that I didn’t go for a promotion because I felt I didn’t deserve it, before I ever applied or interviewed. 

I often come up with an new and original idea and then let it pass as stupid. 

Sometimes I begin a blog post and stop because I think others will just reject it as a waste of time. 

I’ve never learned how to ride a unicycle

I haven’t gone to many foreign countries. I

 have never ____________ - fill in your own blank.

Many times I don't think my ideas count or have value or can help. This is not the right thinking and it can be caused by two things:

1. Selfishness. I focus so much on “me” that I don’t try to impact others. I choose dreams that are self-impacting. I go for the “individual” gold and not the “team” gold. I look for gain that helps me, but often may hurt others.

2. Insecurity. I feel I am so unimportant that I don’t try to impact someone else (This can be kind of selfish, too). I don’t go forward on my dreams. I just give up on my dreams, because they don’t matter. I have this opinion that I can’t change anyone or have an impact on someone’s life.
These are wrong - really, they are wrong. We can’t focus on just us in life and, in both of these cases we are focused on us and not others. 
Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad to have a bucket list of things that you would like to do in life. I have never been to the Grand Canyon and I would like to go someday. I talked about the unicycle idea a couple of times before. Those are fine, but I really believe that the end of our big goals in life should be purposed to impact others.
I discounted my dream so much that I just about didn’t start it at all. 
Then I started my blog and have steadily been told I'm helping, encouraging or impacting people (maybe not everyone, but some, at least). I often don't believe what is said, because I see the me that fails in this kind of dream...until now. 

I am moving forward on my dreams, because you never know how you will impact someone, until you may still not know completely, so keep trying.

Please understand that I don't say any of this in pride or with an attitude of "I'm all that." I say it because the goal of my blog is not to impact me, but to impact others. It's a healthy goal and dream and i know my motive is not either selfish or insecure - it's to help, encourage, bring a smile, and impact others. 

Go for your healthy goals - don't give up on them!
Lessons Learned: I am not going to settle. I am going to move forward on dreams that impact others.
Thoughts: Are you holding back on your dreams? Are your dreams ones that could impact others? Are you moving forward? Are you settling? 
"Never Fail - What I mean by that, is fail a lot!"