Friday, August 31, 2012

Finding a way…

One child wanted the ball…

Determination is not seen as much as it used to be. It seems that most people settle for the “status quo” and don’t go beyond the plan.

Determination is not easy, but it’s necessary for success in any role you have in life, especially the ones that impact lives - BTW - what roles do we have that don’t impact lives?

I think you get the point - we impact in all we do, therefore we should be determined in all we do.

How can we be determined?

We should have a plan.

Not everyone is organized, and not everyone is a planner, but I’ve never met anyone that’s seen success that didn’t have a plan. Having no target, goal or structure will always succeed in failure. 

Can you imagine an athlete that haphazardly went through their day without a routine to train for their event? Wouldn't a sprinter want to practice their starts, finishes and strides? Wouldn't a business owner have a structure of how they wanted to grow and manage their business? 

You would expect an athlete and a business owner to have a plan, but how about you?

Why wouldn't you have a plan for your family, for your position, for your ministry, for your hobbies?  Why not? Don’t you want to have success? 

As a personal example, I teach a Junior High boys Sunday school class. When I started, I had some ideas for how I wanted to run the class and structure, but as I got into it more, I developed a two year strategy so I didn’t miss opportunities to impact. I know what lessons I’m going to teach and how many weeks each lesson should take. I have some flexibility, but a plan allows me to succeed.

We should follow our plan.

So follow your plan. Why have a plan that you don’t follow? What good is a plan that you don’t use? Wouldn't a plan that you used be a great way to improve what you’re doing now? Maybe your original plan needs tweaking - you can’t know that, if you aren’t following it.

The child that wanted the ball had a plan, and he followed it...

Use your plan!

We should trust the Lord.

This should really be first, because you can’t put a good plan together without the Lord having directed you. We often set plans, but if we do that alone, we just failed before we started. God has to direct, not only in personal plans, but in every (I mean every) aspect of your life. Too many people (sometimes, me included) get a plan for life together and don’t include God, when we should actually be seeking Him before we ever punch that first keystroke in our plan.

By setting our own plans, we show that we really don’t trust the Lord.

Once God gives you the plan, He expects you to be determined, by His strength, to move forward with the plan. 

Lessons Learned: I need to double check that my plans are the Lord’s plans.

Thoughts: Are you finding a way?


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday #3…

A great place to think...

Today is a quote. It’s well known and many have attributed it to Abraham Lincoln - I’ll let the debate go on about that - it’s a good quote, so I don’t really care who said it, other than given credit appropriately.

Here it is…

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Baseball and big smiles…

This picture reminds me of the joy of being a child. The one with the big smile is Luke Brown and he’s in my Sunday School class. 

They were in the Little League World Series and won this game - he exudes the joy that success can bring, and he shows the spirit of a child that is loving life.

We all need that kind of joy…

The problem is that we get older and we focus more on the issues, problems, challenges and failures that we experience. Our negative experiences dampen our spirits and we lose the joy of a child.

Jesus made it obvious that he wanted little children to come to Him. I think that the childlike faith, that they have, is one reason, but I also think that the uncluttered minds and hearts may be another.

A child has some great advantages…

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday Tourist #3...

A little air issue...

I read this one day last week, and was reminded of the importance of problems in life.

The post is from Michael Hyatt - he's a consistently good blogger...



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Monday, August 27, 2012

Puddles and big splashes…

The folks in this picture likely didn’t expect to have such a deep puddle to deal with, but they made it through, and it was cool for me to watch them roll within the deep waters.

You could look at several things from this picture…

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Feeling demolished #5…

My 300th Post - I'm thankful!

This picture gives a great visual description of how people can feel, when they are going through hard times.

We see everything falling down around us.

We see failures at every corner.

We see everything collapsing down on top of us.

We don’t see a safe way out.

Am I encouraging you yet?

Over the last 5 posts (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Today), I’m am dealing with 5 different aspects of feeling demolished - I hope they help you.

Feeling demolished hurts…

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Simple Saturday Again...

Simple Saturday again…

Today - get rid of one stressful item…


Friday, August 24, 2012

Feeling demolished #4…

This picture gives a great visual description of how people can feel, when they are going through hard times.

We see everything falling down around us.

We see failures at every corner.

We see everything collapsing down on top of us.

We don’t see a safe way out.

Am I encouraging you yet?

Over 5 posts (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Today and next Sunday), I’m going to deal with 5 different aspects of feeling demolished - I hope they help you.

Feeling demolished hurts…

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday #2…

As you may know, I have changed my structure a bit - look here...

Today’s quote is actually a story…

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Feeling demolished #3…

This picture gives a great visual description of how people can feel, when they are going through hard times.

We see everything falling down around us.

We see failures at every corner.

We see everything collapsing down on top of us.

We don’t see a safe way out.

Am I encouraging you yet?

Over 5 posts (Sunday, Monday, Today, Friday and next Sunday), I’m going to deal with 5 different aspects of feeling demolished - I hope they help you.

Feeling demolished hurts…

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday Tourist #2…

I read this one morning last week, and was reminded of the importance of trials in life.

We look at trials the wrong way sometimes…

Look at August 17th…


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Feeling demolished #2…

This picture gives a great visual description of how people can feel, when they are going through hard times.

We see everything falling down around us.

We see failures at every corner.

We see everything collapsing down on top of us.

We don’t see a safe way out.

Am I encouraging you yet?

Over 5 posts (Sunday, Today, Wednesday, Friday and next Sunday), I’m going to deal with 5 different aspects of feeling demolished - I hope they help you.

Feeling demolished hurts…

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Feeling demolished #1…

This picture gives a great visual description of how people can feel, when they are going through hard times.

We see everything falling down around us.

We see failures at every corner.

We see everything collapsing down on top of us.

We don’t see a safe way out.

Am I encouraging you yet?

Over the next 5 posts (Today, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and next Sunday), I’m going to deal with 5 different aspects of feeling demolished - I hope they help you.

Feeling demolished hurts…

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Silly Saturday #3…

Some funny thoughts - short and sweet today…

If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button.

A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished.

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.

When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his bus.

Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to someone else.

Make it a great day!


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Friday, August 17, 2012

Rub-a-dub-dub thanks for the grub. Yeah God…

This was the meal prayer prior to a business lunch with a group of about 50 business professionals that I attended.

The man that was scheduled to pray is not religious and not a Christian, per his own introduction prior to his prayer.

His intent was to accomplish the task he was asked to do and to be humorous, so I think, since I can’t judge his motives completely.

I’m not offended, hurt or angered, but I’m disappointed, not in him, but in the overall direction of our country to make God a casual being with causal references.

Should this be the case in our society?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday #1

As I stated this past Tuesday, I have updated the structure of how I will share each day, to create consistency and, hopefully, relevance for you.

Today is the first installment of Thoughtful Thursday’s where I will share a quote and some thoughts.

Here’s the quote today…

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dress shirts and God’s provision…

Sometimes, I only look at God’s provision one way.

I look at the check in the mail, the money given directly to someone, or the bags of groceries someone brings by.

I have to be reminded, once in awhile, that the Lord provides in many ways…

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Changing times…Tuesday Tourist

Today, I start to make some changes to my blog.

Here’s the plan:

I’m going to post differently, at least for a while.

I want to impact, but I realize that not everyone can read each day, and you never know what’s going to be on my blog, so it’s hard to have a routine for reading.

This new structure may help a little…

Sundays - these have been focused on Spiritual growth for a while, and I will continue that theme. 

Spiritual Sundays

Monday - new post, with a fresh idea from a photo, encounter or other thought. 

Mover Mondays

Tuesday - this is a change - I’m going to oath have a guest post, or a redirect to a post that was impactful to me.  This starts today. 

Tourist Tuesday

Wednesday - new post, like mondays, but on Wednesday instead. No good name yet.

Wednesday Wanderings?

Thursday - focusing on a valuable quote or impact statement - short and sweet. Another hard name to come up with.

Thoughtful Thursdays?

Friday - new post, but no specific topical direction. 

Free Friday

Saturday - these have been short and often comical over the last few months, so I’m keeping that theme. 

Short or Silly Saturday

Hope my blog is an encouragement to you - feedback is always welcome.

For todays Tourist Tuesday, I’m sending you off to read a blog post by a missionary that recently went through a huge trial and lose, yet is accepting it with an amazing attitude.

Read it here…

Lessons Learned: Change is like a vacation.

Thoughts: What do you think about the changes?


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Monday, August 13, 2012

Talk about thankful…

The sticker says "WAG MORE - BARK LESS"

I’m constantly overwhelmed at God’s goodness to me and the way He provides.

He is beyond good to me and my family.

I catch myself complaining and miss the blessings once in awhile…

When I start to complain or focus on my problems, I have to do a few things to get out of the rut…

1. Focus on others

This seems to be a challenge for everyone. Think about the person that just found out…

They have cancer…
They lost their job…
Their house when into foreclosure…
They lost a loved one…
They have a child that’s hurting…

How do you focus on “others” when you’re in the midst of a trial?

It has to be preplanned. You have to choose, in advance, to have others on your mind, before you get into your trial. You have to know that others are the priority and know that you want to help others.

It has to be a habit. You have to be encouraging others well before your trial occurs, so that when that big trial hits, you are already making a difference with others. This will cause others to be on your mind, even though you are having a very tough time yourself.

2. Focus on the good

Realize that there is good, in your life, and know that the bad is only one part. Even if the bad, is really bad, there are still good things going on. I can’t speak to your specific spot right now, but I know that the trials that hit me always have some good involved, and even when I can’t seem to see the good, I focus on things outside of the trial.

When I got downsized, I focused on the wonderful wife and children I have.

When we miscarried out first child, we both had to focus on how we could help others.

When I’ve had financial problems, I had to look at my daily needs and how they were provided.

3. Focus on the Lord

This is the highest priority. We all get down and we all have problems. We all hurt and we all forget to be grateful. When we’re down, discouraged, defeated (enough “D’s”) or we have a trial beyond our ability (all trials are beyond our ability), then we need to focus on the Lord. He is there to help, encourage, motivate, provide and direct us.

We tend to…

Seek our own solutions first.

Develop our own plans first.

Seek others for direction first.

We should just seek the Lord and His help and watch Him handle the need, he hurt, the frustration or whatever our issue is. He really does love us and He really does want to help us.

We have things to be thankful for here, here, here and here...

Lessons Learned: We need to change our focus, when we have a challenge.

Thoughts: What challenges have you seen turned around because of the Lord?


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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Little lies and big sins…

I was at Panera Bread getting some things done, the other day, and a man sitting beside me lied. He was sitting at the table beside me, called someone, and stated that he would be between 5 and 10 minutes late for their meeting at Panera Bread - he was already sitting there, at Panera Bread, so how could he be late?

I don’t know, for sure, why he lied, but he did. He actually sat there for over thirty minutes waiting and the person he called never showed up. I expect that he was calling that person to give a nonchalant reminder that they had a meeting, instead of saying “Where are you? I’m here already.” When he left, he looked a bit defeated...but I’m not completely sure why he lied.

Lie is a harsh word and most of us don’t like it…

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Funny thought…

This was the first photo from the Mars Curiosity...LOVE IT!

I recently saw this on someone’s FB status during the middle of the week, at 9:00 AM…

“Getting out early this morning. My wide is sleeping in. She had a good night…”

A couple of thoughts:

  1. 9:00 AM is early?
  2. If I called my spouse “wide” on FB, it may be my last post!

I know this is short, but I thought a little laugh today, would help…

Make it a Great Day!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Olympics and impact…

When I’ve watched the Olympics over the last week or so, I’ve been amazed at the number of people involved in every aspect of what goes on.

It’s truly an amazing event to watch.

I talked a little bit yesterday about the Olympics.

I always look forward to watching and am disappointed when it’s over.

It made me think about impact…

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Olympic trials…

To make it to any olympic event, you have to go through an incredibly challenging process to get to the level of even trying out for it. 

The trial starts with heart, practice and an almost flawless execution, that very few are able to perform. 

The life we live has an olympic trial often…

It must be trial week - look at my post about gratefulness...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mud bombs and growth…

The other day I was driving down the highway and saw a cloud of dust erupt, about a tenth of a mile ahead of me. It was strange, but cool to see. I thought someone blew an engine, or NASCAR had left a bunch of that “track-dry” stuff on the highway.
A moment latter it happened again and enveloped my car (I drive a white Charger, and I just washed it, so I was not thrilled - speeding up through it helped me feel better). After I got through the cloud of smoke, I realized it was a construction truck that had dried mud on its mud-flaps - a crazy place for mud - and it kept falling off in huge “mud bombs!”
Still cool to watch, but didn’t want it on my car…

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Belaying and others…

Thanks to Roy Lindman on Wikipedia for sharing this image - he gets the credit.
I posted recently about how I was able to go rock climbing for the first time, and how I really was belaying more than I was climbing. Belaying is basically holding he rope for the climber, so they don fall to their death.
Belaying taught me a few things…

Monday, August 6, 2012

$100 and generosity…

I can’t believe it!
Someone walked up to me and just handed me $100!
Really, it’s true.
They just handed me five $20 bills, and said they hoped it helped.
They’re not rich, and they don’t walk around with money falling out of their pockets, but they gave to my family, because they felt lead to help.
They made a choice…

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Birthday’s and coffee…

I had a birthday recently...don’t ask my age. ;)
It doesn’t bother me to add another year. I like the experiences that I’m blessed to have each year and the opportunity to change and grow. A lot of folks hate getting older, but I don’t act my age, so I’m not really impacted by it, like many. 
I just love life and am excited about the next steps that God has for me.
I also love Starbucks coffee… Small Coffee, Disaster, Perfect - some examples...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Superfluous Saturday…

This was from a college friend's Facebook page, a while ago...

Sometimes I think that my Saturday posts are superfluous (unnecessary), so I often put something simple, silly or full of satire (like the alliteration there - could be a good sermon outline). 
So what about today?
Do you really need me to post something today? No
Does a Saturday go on without my posts? Yes
So why do I write something?
I write because there may be one person that needs…

Friday, August 3, 2012

Rock climbing and a smiley face…

This smiley face was near the top of a very difficult climbing wall.
Recently I was able to go to a rock climbing facility with a group of our teens. We had a blast. I had never been before, so it every aspect of it was interesting to me. 
I got to belay most of the time, which was actually much more fun than you may think. I’ll talk about that another day.
Today, I think about how life may be hard, but you can still smile

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bee stings leave red marks, too...or two…

I got stung again…
I know, stop complaining about a little bee sting, it’s no big deal. I get it, but if you read my blog, you know that I seem to learn crazy lessons from just about every little thing that happens to me, including a bee sting.
In the last 4 months, I have now been stung twice, and I don’t remember getting stung since I was a kid, and I was likely tougher then...
If you read my first post about my bee sting on the head, you know that I learned a few important things.
In this case I learned some more…

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fat wheels and a purposeful life…

I saw this tractor and thought “His crops must be ruined!”
He’s killing most everything in the field with those fat tires.
Oh, wait, that tractor has a different purpose…
It’s meant for fun, entertainment, excitement, not for industrial use.
Sometimes we get our purposes mixed up…