Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Are you stepping up?

These little steps are cool...  
They get you places...
They take you higher in life...
Sometimes they help you to help others…
We should be stepping up in life…
I don’t really want to step up to be cool...that’s kind of a weak reason.

I know we have to step up to get places though. We can’t sit still and do little or nothing and expect to get places, in our work, our ministry, our family, our hobbies, or any other areas of life. You have to move and take a step. This little ladder made me think that it’s more than just stepping forward though - it takes a step up to succeed.
If you move forward, you are still going places and you’re certainly not lagging behind, but you may be just progressing in a way that moves you laterally and not towards a goal. You can roll towards a goal like that, with little effort.
When I think about stepping up, I think of moving with great effort. If you want to climb a hill, you have to put strength and determination into it. You can’t just float up a hill. You have to know where you are going and have an ultimate plan to get there. If you want to get there, you have to work hard and step up to the plate to have anything occur.
Don’t get me wrong, I fully believe that the Lord is the one that blesses our efforts and gives us the successes that we have in all that we do. I do understand that He wants us to work at the task at hand to the best of our ability, but He determines the outcome.
The best part of stepping up is not really about you though, it’s about others.
When you step up you bring others along with you. You change yourself and you change others. You create an impact on someone else. If you change your life, you get the privilege of changing someone else’s life. 
If you get promoted, you may be able to hire someone.
If you get into a new ministry, you may be able to influence a life.
The other part of impacting, is that stepping up may simply mean that you finally decided to change who you are so that you can purposefully create change in other folks. You stepped up to ministry and you stepped up to a new level, so that someone else could step up to!

Lessons Learned: You never know who you may impact by stepping up.
Thoughts: Have you stepped up?
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  1. Stepping up is about others- great lesson! 

  2. TC - it's a lesson that I've failed a lot, but if we help others, we change many lives, if we help ourselves we change one life.


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