Thursday, June 21, 2012

Do what ya gotta do…

This statement doesn’t apply to everything. Sometimes, it’s not accurate, but sometimes you have to do things you don’t like to get by in a pinch.
The picture above shows, that in a pinch, a screwdriver will work perfectly to hold a window up.
What do we do in a pinch?

Sometimes we have to work an extra job to take care of extra (or even regular) bills.
Sometimes we have to spend extra time on a project to meet a deadline.
Sometimes we stop going out to eat to save money, or maybe, to lose weight.
Sometimes we have take extra time with our children, to save them from heading down the wrong path.
The fail today is when we just let things alone and don’t do the extra that’s needed.
I’ve seen it time and time again, where someone doesn’t go the extra mile and they fail with their job, their home, or their family.
I’ve done it and seen consequences in smaller areas, but I think the most important area is when it comes to other people’s lives.
If we see someone that is failing and falling apart, we can’t just sit there and watch. We have to get involved. We have to “do what we gotta do” to ensure we help.
Look at the relationships in your life…
Your boss…
Your spouse…
Your coworker…
Your child…
Your friend…
Your fellow church member…
Your in-laws…
Your friends online…
It really doesn’t matter who or where they are, it matters that you are connected to them. There may be others connected to them, but that doesn’t relieve you of your responsibility to help them. Someone has to, so why shouldn't you or I be the one to help them.
You may be the one that impacts them for this life and eternity.
It’s one of the greatest things you can do, to pull someone out of discouragement, despair, defeat, anger, addiction, or whatever else they are struggling with, and you can do it.
Often, I’m told that people don’t know what to say to someone who is in a tough spot. I don’t know that it’s what you say, more than, what you do by showing up and taking time with them. It may be the little extra time, not the words that gives them the help to carry on and make it through their trial, their issue, or their worry. 
Step up and help someone.
Lessons Learned: Do what ya gotta do to help others.
Thoughts: Have you ever impacted someone by just taking a little extra time?
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