Monday, July 23, 2012

High’s and Low’s…

High’s and Low’s often go together…

Looking at the picture, in my car, it shows that to have the car cool off quickly, you have to have the fan on high and the temperature on low. 
I like my car to be cool, during hot days, especially when we have 2 weeks, in a row, of 100 degree weather. When it’s hot, it feels good to have a cold flow of air in our faces. 
This reminded me of a few things that we see in our lives…

A breeze feels good when things are hot...
We all need a refreshing, when we are in the middle of a tough time. When someone comes up and reminds us that they’re praying for us, it brings a cool breeze to our faces, in the midst of a trial.
You can’t have highs without lows…
If roller coasters were flat, they would be boring. The ups and downs create the excitement and anticipation. The lows bring relief and the highs bring exhilaration.
We need to be reminded that God loves us…
When we’re down, we need to feel God’s hand on our lives. It’s strange, that when we are up and all is well, we don’t feel the desperate need for God’s hand, help or direction, but when we are down, we are intensely focused on how God’s plan is coming together, and what the next step will be. 
God does not desire that His children are hurt or feeling struggle, but He desires a relationship with you. I think the trials of life help develop that relationship and keep us in line with His plans.
We all go through lows and we all have highs - life will continue that way. We can’t expect a utopia, because that won’t happen until Heaven. We have to keep rolling through the roller coasters that life brings us. God has a purpose and plan for each of the highs and each of the lows. He will guide us through both, and He will provide for our needs. God is good and He has our best interests at heart at all times.
So, if your in a low, just look at the dial to the left and think about how God will bring you from the low back up to the high again soon.
If your in a high, then realize that the low may be coming (don’t stew or worry about it, or start thinking negatively - lows just happen), and take in all you can during the high, so the low won’t feel quite so bad.
Lessons Learned: Lows and highs go hand-in-hand - don’t fret.
Thoughts: Are you in a low that we can pray for right now?
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